The aim of ACHAP Community TB/HIV programme is fully integrated into the Primary Health Care (PHC) system to support the National TB Programme to improve access and utilization of quality patient-centred and community-based TB/HIV services. This will be done through strengthening the implementation of infection prevention and control strategies, building capacity of health care workers, optimal and comprehensive management and support of TB/HIV patients on community TB care, involvement and engagement of individuals, families and communities to assume responsibility for their own health and sustenance of their TB/HIV prevention efforts.
1. To detect all forms of TB as community referrals to contribute towards TB case diagnosis and notification rate.
2. To integrate TB/HIV/Covid19 interventions to reduce the burden of diseases.
3. To strengthen capacity of TB/HIV/Covid19 service providers at facility and community levels for service delivery improvement.
4. To intensify infection prevention and control (IPC) at facility and community levels.
5. To ensure effective community TB/HIV project monitoring and evaluation.
6. To in-cooperate Social & Behavioral Chance Communication strategy for community accountability, project improvement and sustainability
• TB/HIV Advocacy, Communication and Social mobilization
• Technical support, capacity building and mentoring for service improvement
• Resource mobilization and support
• Coordination, partnership and networking
• Collaboration, referral and linkage of services
• Joint planning, monitoring & evaluation
• Focus on geographically selected districts of implementation and outreach to neighboring districts/facilities for support services
• The programme targets the entire population since TB is a public health issue, with emphasis on congregate settings, vulnerable and at-risk populations (PLHIV, Non-communicable diseases, children, miners/x-miners, prisoners etc.
• TB/HIV service provider engagement in programme planning, monitoring, evaluation building knowledge and learning as well as the use of generated TB/HIV data as feedback mechanism.
• Community leadership engagement, involvement of care givers and provision of support systems.
• Support for Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in Community TB Care.
• Individual TB patient education and treatment adherence counselling.
• Community mobilization and sensitization to enhance their engagement and involvement
• Social & Behavioural Change Communication strategy (SBCC) integration
• Execution of Infection prevention and control (IPC) package (systematic TB screening on targeted areas, close contact screening within 3 days of TB patient diagnosis and household risk assessment.
• Implementation of Community TB Care package
• Treatment supporter orientation and patient support
• Mentoring and Support Supervision (MSS)
• TB/HIV Project performance review and feedback
• Proportion of individuals diagnosed and started on TB treatment
• Proportion of Presumptive TB & Covid19 cases linked to services
• Proportion of smear positive patients cured
• Proportion of eligible TB patients enrolled on CTBC
• Proportion of TB patients tested for HIV & received their results
• Proportion of TB/HIV Co-infected patients initiated on Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy and Ante-Retro-Viral drugs.
• Improved TB Treatment Success rate
• Decreased TB related mortality
• Decreased TB incidence